Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Daear: Introduction to Daear Achlesu

[The following is an OOC description of Daear Achlesu's history and personaliy]

Daear is a Tauren who grew up in the Barrens near Camp Taurajo. For much of his young life he was being trained as a shaman. He never had the gift for communicating with the elements or acting as a spirit guide for his people. He found his place as a protector. He was strong fighter and excelled in martial combat. He found using the elements to help him fight was his greatest strength. This did not mean he was stuipd though. He grasped the philosophies and ideals of his role very well and believes fully in them. His tribe respected the hunt strongly as part of it's traditions. Unfortunatly Daear took little interest in this tradition. He respected it as part of his culture, but rarely payed it much attention. His best friend, Ero, on the other hand was a great hunter in the tribe and the two had many conflicts due to their perceptions of this tradition. After some tiem with the tribe and many travels to areas close to the Barrens, Daear realized his place was not with the tribe. One realization came after he discovered a common xenophobia amoung his people. He saw other as part of the world who needed help and protection, so a short time after an undead traveller came to thier camp he left to travel the world. Ero took personal offense to this and they have not got along since Daear first set out. Even during the infrequent visits Daear makes to the village Ero avoids him. After reaching Oggrimar Daear tried to learn about the cultures of all the other members of the horde. He decided to change his last name to something more traditional of the Forsaken, or the human culture, to give him a small similarity in that world and to slightly alienate him from his culture. This was simply a symbolic gesture he did more for his own sake than others. After spending some time in the Undercity he joing with a group who called themselves the "Ephemerals" and resided in their guild hall whenever he wasn't traveling.
Daear follows the tenants of shamanism, but has a slightly different outlook on it than his teachers. He follows the path of the elements and uses his abilities in a very similar manner to a paladin following the Light. He protects the weak and helps rid the world of evil. The definition of evil may be where Daear and Paladin dogma differ. To Daear evil tries to corrupt the natural order of things. This does not mean anyone who cuts down a tree or digs a hole is the ground is evil. It means people who abuse and hard the elemental balance of the world are evil to him. This could include someone trying to turn a desert into a jungle for almost any reason. It wasn't meant to be so it shouldn't be, is one of his modes of thinking. Even with this mentality he does not regard the Forsaken as unnatural. They are beings of freewill and existance alone, for a sentient creature, does not dictate the value of it's existance. He actually finds some of them to be good company, but is wary due to rumors of a new plague.
Overall Daear tends to be quiet and withdrawn yet kind. When at the guild hall he preferes to sit in a corner and listen to his guildmates interact. It reminds him of how well the world can fit together and work. It also reminds him of the individual people he is trying to protect, and making it personal in that way makes it more important to him.

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